Our Team

Meet the SaveEnergy Directors

SaveEnergy is led by an experienced team of local people.

Michael Beaven, Director

Michael is interested in new solutions for challenging problems and passionate about social justice.  With over 25 years’ experience within the voluntary and public sectors Michael brings expertise in business planning and finance management, is a licensed Community Shares Practitioner, and has secured seed corn investment and funding for social enterprises.  He has an excellent track record of helping voluntary sector organisations secure contract and grant funding as well as developing innovative fundraising strategies and appeals. Michael is a founder and director of Our Community Enterprise and a volunteer director of MaidEnergy.


Maria Evans, Director

Maria is a charity consultant with over 25 years’ experience in the public and charitable sectors, supporting a wide range of organisations with business planning, strategy, fundraising and community consultation.  A skilled networker focused on collaboration, Maria brings people together to enable positive change and campaigns on local and national issues.  Maria is a consultant at Our Community Enterprise and project development manager for the Climate Partnership CIC. She co-founded the local Climate Emergency Coalition, an alliance of local environmental groups, and is a trustee of Wild Maidenhead.


Meet the SaveEnergy Advisors

SaveEnergy is also supported by our advisors and society secretary:


Rob Acker, Advisor
Rob worked for 20 years for the UK Met Office in a variety of IT, project and quality management roles and 15 years at LRQA as an auditor assessing the qualities of products and services. He tries to combine those two experiences to helping people and organisations understand climate change and how consumer choice can reduce our impact. He believes in the power of the question and that consumers can change business practice through their demands for change.


Lynne Moore, Advisor
During 17 years as a school business manager, Lynne led the strategic development and day to day operations of school finance, premises management, HR, administration and IT. She has successfully led and delivered community and sustainability projects including a community and biodiversity garden, solar panel installations and LED lighting projects. Lynne is now working on a decarbonisation project with a particular focus on supporting schools, community organisations and SMEs.


Kit Evans, Society Secretary